Alex McPhee's Province of Alberta
Canada's first-ever independent reference map not drawn by a voyageur.
Reference Map?
The "reference map" is a classic art form relatively uncommon here in North America. Unlike the more common highway map, the reference map is multipurpose - it shows a general overview of everything a person might be interested in.
I wanted to create an accurate and representative portrait of the province, so I started by personally visiting every county in Alberta. That's why you'll find interesting details that other maps don't show, everywhere from Abee to Zama City.
Other Maps Don't Show
How much of Edmonton is built on the Papaschase Reserve?
How many Hutterite colonies do we have?
Is it legal to access Alberta's newest county?
Where did the Coronation Subdivision run?
Have you ever heard of Nemiskam National Park?
How big was the Fort McMurray fire?
Internationally Recognized
I got my start as a self-taught cartographer, so McPhee's Alberta began life as a spare-time hobby. But when an early draft won Best in Design (Student) at the North American Cartographic Information Society's 2019 conference, I started to take the project more seriously.
Now Available
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